Thursday, August 20, 2009


so it's been since my last post....
well days actually
but the last post was song text...
so i didn't get the chance to write anything else....

so last week, on Tuesday till Thursday
i didn't go to school b'cause i was sick
i was planning i would go to school on friday
but when i asked my friend about schedule
she said that we didn't go to school on friday
the teacher was having some.....
what's the english of "pelatihan" ???
training....i guess ^^;

so i got an extra holiday....=)

today i was planning to watch merah putih on the cinema with my friends
my teacher said it was some kind of homework for us
since merah putih is a film about indonesian history
and we're learning about indonesian history about achieving independence
my teacher said we could learn from the film
but i want to watch g.i.joe too!!!!!
i already saw the thriller and i was like...


i have to watch it....

but i have to and want to watch merah putih too...
and when i said to my mom i was going to watch 2 films my mom was like..


oh well....
but i really wanted to watch g.i.joe on the cinema....
it need sometime or a long time for me to find a g.i.joe on the dvd...
since my country full of piracy....
and all the dvd's i bought wasn't original...
the pictures sucks.....
sometimes can be blurry,dark or it stpoed then suddenly jumped to the next part.....

and i wanted to buy books !!!!
a lot of books....
i wanted to buy aerial by Sitta Karina
i always liked her novels and stories...
i wanted to buy a book about learning Japanese language
i wanted to buy a book about learning English language
i need to sharpen up my english language....
and i definitely need a lots of comics and novels
to suppress my appetite of reading.....

but my dad wont let me.....
he always said....

dontjustreadcomicandnovelstryreadyourschoolsbookandtrytoreadbookthathaveagoodeffectonyou butnonovelsandcomicbooks

i think i just over did it...
my father didn't actually said that...
but the point's still the same

oh well....
i 'll try to post again and try to tell you about merah putih....
owh i had a lot wish......

like ussual...
sorry for any mistakes in my language...
tell if there's anthing wrong...


mood :-_-zzz
song :crawl-veltpunch

Friday, August 14, 2009

Linkin Park-In Pieces

In Pieces

Telling me to go,
But hands beg me to stay.
Your lips say that you love;
your eyes say that you hate.

There's truth in your lies,
Doubt in your faith.
What you build you lay to waste.
There's truth in your lies,
Doubt in your faith.
All I've got's what you didn't take.
So I, I won't be the one,
be the one to leave this,
in pieces.
And you, you will be alone,
alone with all your secrets,
and regrets.
Don't lie.

You promise me the sky,
then toss me like a stone.
You wrap me in your arms,
and chill me to the bone.

There's truth in your lies,
Doubt in your faith.
All I've got's what you didn't take.

So I, I won't be the one,
be the one to leave this,
in pieces.
And you, you will be alone,
alone with all your secrets,
and regrets.
Don't lie.

[Guitar solo]

So I, I won't be the one,
be the one to leave this,
In pieces.
And you, you will be alone,
Alone with all your secrets,
And regrets.
Don't lie.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well it means today i officially will used English language as my blog language
but i'm still in practicing and learning proses...
so mind my grammatical,noun,adjective,adverb,verb,noun,spelling,etc mistakes...
if you find any mistakes, please inform me...
i will try not to repeat the same mistakes...
but if i'm too lazy to write down in english i'll probably used indonesia language again....

there's not much i can share with you today....
i woke up in the morning as usual
the weather was so cold, i wanted to sleep again.....
because i went to my school with motorcycle
and it was cold i decided to bring my jacket along

the school went like usual....
and i'm still sleepy as usual...

oh yeah, i just remember that my teacher
gave me homework to do....
but i'm too lazy to do it now....
but then again if i didn't do it i won't get any score
school sucks....

oh yeah
yesterday i just helped my mom cleaned the front garden....
and for heaven's sake......
there were a lot of snails!!!!
i could swear that there were almost 30 snails on our garden...
and i'm no fans of snails....
we(my mom and i) found a big one.....
and i have to spread some salt to killed it....
and whet it hit their flesh (not their house)
it will make a "ngiiikkk" sound.....
it's disgusting......

well that's all for today....
i'll post again if got some time
and there's a good topic to talk about....
btw, i just finish my 1st chapter of my 1st fanfic....
it's based on x a comic by clamp....

well bye...

Mood: sleepy -_- zzz
Song I'm currently listening to :Fuck You-Lily Allen

Monday, July 27, 2009

very-very-very long time no see....

dah hampir 2 taon gw g ngeblog n akhirnya.....
skrg jalan lg....
yah bless me aja deh spaya rajin ol.....
Skrg gw dah kls 9....
hueh...modul spanjang hdup.....

gw bingung mo nulis apa....
oh ya ada yg tw cara ngutak-ngatik blog g y???
gw mo ganti layout neh...
gw jg pengen nambah chatbox...
tp g ngerti....

skrg gw pnya hobi baru....
baca fanfic.....
fyi fanfic / fanfiction adl crita buatan fans brdsarkan crita yg ada....
ada fans twilight yg g stuju ama ending crita twilight...
ya dia bwat crita sndiri...
nah gw sering baca fanfic d
fanficny bnyk bgt,d klompokin seswai grupny(komik,novel,film,dll)
dan bhasany banyak bgt...paling bnyk seh inggris...
dan itu mmbntu gw nge-improve inggris gw....

oh ya..
mngkin gw bakal nyoba nulis dalam bhs inggris kali....
terinspirasi oleh tmnku Irene yg skrg dah pindah....
huks...sgt d syangkan......

ok d....
sgitu dulu....


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mid Semester nan butut...

ok on the day i post this post.....
the mid has finally ended!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gw stress bgt......
yah sbenernya g sterss seh....
justru gw lbih sering santai " pas lg musim ulum mid....
jd jadwal slama musim mid adalah....

1.pulang skul cpet,ampe rumah maen n santai" ampe jam 3
2.tidur ampe jam 6
6.blajar 15 menit....
7.tidur lagi deh...!!!

Trus gw punya....
ehm...apa y? oh!
Kurikulum baru dalam mengerjakan soal ulum...(ceilah bahasanya.....)

(eh ucuph/cuplesh, nama lo disebut" sbg salah satu nama permaenan g jls gini lho...wkwkwk)

ya! betul !dgn cap-cip-cup, gw bisa memilih jawaban tanpa beban pikiran
ato g ya pake feeling....
nah,contoh penerapan cara ini adalah sbg brikut...
mis.nya ada soal....
gw g tw jwabannya.....
tp gw ada feeling anta A ama C
ya dah gw cap-cip-cup aja....
nanti yg kpilih, gw pake bwt jwaban deh....
Gampang kan??
tp kalo abis di cap-cip-cup
feeling gw lebih kuat k A,sementara hasil cap-cip-cup adl C
ya yg gw pilih tetep A aja, sesuai feeling gw....

nah, si kurikulum Ca/i/uP ini (cape nulis panjang" ,singkatan Cap-cip-cup=Ca/i/up)
telah gw terapkan pada ulangan vck,bio,bi,ama pkn.....
yg paling bnyak gw ca/i/up adalah bio ama vck....
5 soal gw ca/i/up ada kale....
itukan ngasal....belum di+ ama ksalahan yg laen
kalo hasil ca/i/up gw bner....
brarti gw LUCKY bgt!!!!!

tp tw ah.....
cape neh.....

dan skarang gw mrasa aga' mirip bruang kutub yg mo hibernasi....
bukan MO hibernasi(kan klo hibernasi mkanny gw cma mkan dkit)
tp LG hibernasi.....(tp gw kan mnusia jd tetep msti bangun)
bawaanny m0 tdur terusssssssss
so it means
sleeping mode : on
ampe" si Inka ngasi gw nama ilmiah belakang gw hobitidurus
yg brarti hobi tidur terus......
sbenernya sleeping mode gw slalu on slama gw ada d klas 8 seh....

ya dah....
mo tdur dulu neh....

met tdur smua......

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Benjamin Button

walau dah lama tp brhubung gw bru bs nulis skrg...
jd bru bs ngebahas skrg......
kira" 2 /3 minggu yg lalu(buset lama amet...)
gw prgi nonton ama sepupu+kk gw di fx....kalo g salah
gw suka susah bedain yg mana ex yg mana fx.... klo g salah si ex
soalny ada prosotan panjang mnjintai dari lante paling atas ampe k bwh....
itu ex kan???

anyway disitu gw nonton film yg judulny
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"

Cerita ni film mnurut gw unik bgt....
jd ada bayi yg lahir dgn penampakkan sperti kakek" berumur 80....
tp nmanya jg bayi, yah jd badannya kcil kyak bayi....
ni bayi dikasi nama Benjamin....
dia tuh tumbuh dibilang kebalik lah....
jd pd waktu umur 7 tahun....penampakkannya tuh kyak kakek" umur 73(mungkin)
dan smakin dia tumbuh, pnampakkanya smakin muda.....

poko'nya serba kbalik lah
Misalnya neh
kita kan tumbuh semakin tua(pnampakkanny)
tp si Benjamin ini malah tumbuh smakin muda(pnampakkanny)
trus kalo kita mati dalam wujud kakek" ato nenek"
Si Benjamin mati dalam wujud bayi.....

nah kalo lu penasaran ama ni film silahkan nonton....
walau dah g ada di bioskop, silahkan beli dvdnya.....
bwt yg udah nonton,,,,maap y kalo trnyata isi ni post agak mmbosankan...

pas gw nonton ni film di bag. akhirnya,,,gw nangis lho....
gw emang gmpang nangis sih kalo ngliat film sedih...(kdang" doang se trgantung mood)

PS: ini film dewasa....


gw bs ngepost lg......
alamak bt bgt gw soalny g bs ngepost.....
gara" nternet gw yg suka brmsalah....
doain yah gw bs lebih sering ngepost lg....
bnyk bgt yg pengen gw post....
tp g ksampain terus...
krna koneksi nternet gw yg butut....
jd tiap ada ide bwt nulis g prnah bs disalurkan....
bt abis dah.....
yah pokony doain gw spy bs ngepost trus....
mngkin ni hari gw bkal ngepost bbrapa post skaligus....